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Message Gilgamesh Moderator le 25 Mars 2008 21:19

Tiré du site Strange Maps, un croquis tout simple mais qui ne peut laisser personne indifférent.

Le parcours effectué à la surface de la Lune par Amstrong et Aldrin :



On July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the moon. He didn’t moonwalk alone – ‘Buzz’ Aldrin joined him on the surface – and he didn’t walk far.

After travelling hundreds of thousands of kilometers, the landing crew of the Apollo 11 lunar mission barely covered an area the size of a football pitch.

Many thanks to John Mark Boling for sending in this extremely cool map, found at this page of the NASA history division website.

If ‘football’ makes you think of a game played with helmets, please substitute ’soccer’. And if soccer is too alien for your liking, this map from the same website overlays the ground covered by the Apollo 11 landing team on a baseball diamond…

(merci à Aspic, sur le forum de la conquête spatiale)


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